Minecraft 1.7.8 servers

Minecraft 1.7.8 server list

# Address Name Version Players Online Votes
1 craftmc.pl:25565 CraftMC.PL ➟ Strona WWW: www.craftmc.pl Nowa edycja SV+GILDIE start PIĄTEK 18:00! 1.8 - 1.21.4 0 / 0 23
2 mc.advancius.net:25565 Advancius Network [1.8-1.21] HUGE SKYBLOCK + FACTIONS UPDATES OUT NOW! 1.8 - 1.21 and Bedrock Support 0 / 0 0
3 mc.ikcraft.pl:20145 §7Zakup doładowanie na §bwww.ikCraft.pl §8§l§m---»§f §8» §7Graczy §b0§8/§b1 §8« 0 / 0 0
4 SimplyMC.pl:25565 Najlepsze pluginy na tiktoka! dc.darmowepluginy.pl FlameCord 1.7.x-1.20.x 0 / 0 0
5 ikcraft.pl:25565 Invalid hostname. Please refer to our documentation at docs.tcpshield.com TCPShield.com 0 / 0 0
6 mc.blokowo.pl:25015 ☄️⭐ BLOKOWO.PL⭐ ꜱᴜʀᴠɪᴠᴀʟ 1.21.1⭐ ʙᴏxᴘᴠᴘ ⭐ɴᴏᴡᴀ ᴇᴅʏᴄᴊᴀ ᴡʏꜱᴛᴀʀᴛᴏᴡᴀʟᴀ!⭐✅ ✅1.21.4✅ 0 / 0 0
7 fluidclient.ovh:25565 FastMOTD -> Really fast. Elytrium 0 / 0 0